Tools for Spiritual Living: The Chakras

Written By: Laura Ritchie - February 9, 2024
Tools for Spiritual Living: The Chakras, chakra, chakra healing, seven chakras, 7 chakras, yoga, chakra yoga, healing chakra, Jordan MN, chakra healing Minnesota, MN chakra healing

In the world of holistic health, the chakras play a major role. Whether you are interested in yoga, meditation, Reiki, or other natural healing modalities, the chakra system is at the center of it all. So what are these abstract energetic fields, and why are they so important? In this post, we’ll learn all about the seven major chakras and their attributes, as well as some techniques to identify and heal imbalances in yours!

The Chakra System

In Sanskrit, the term ‘chakra’ translates to ‘disc’ or ‘wheel’. It pertains to the dynamic, spinning wheels of energy in our subtle body. These energy centers extend from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, each associated with a unique color of the rainbow. The concept of chakras originated from the Vedas, an ancient Hindu scripture, and has now proliferated worldwide, finding its place in various religions and spiritual traditions.

Starting from the root or base chakra, located at the base of the spine, it governs our sense of grounding, stability, and survival instincts. The sacral chakra, located just below the navel, governs our creativity, sexuality, and emotional balance. The solar plexus chakra, located in the upper abdomen, is associated with our self-esteem, confidence, and personal power. Moving up the body, we come to the heart chakra, located in the center of the chest, which governs our capacity for love, compassion, and forgiveness.

The throat chakra, located in the throat region, is responsible for our communication, self-expression, and authenticity. The third eye chakra, located in the center of the forehead, is associated with our intuition, imagination, and spiritual insight. Finally, we come to the crown chakra, located at the top of the head, which is associated with our connection to the divine, our sense of purpose, and our spiritual awakening.

What Causes Chakra Imbalance?

Each of the seven chakras is associated with specific physical and mental/emotional aspects of ourselves. Imbalances and blockages in the chakras can manifest in physical ailments as well as mental suffering. These manifestations are often treated at surface level, ignoring the underlying cause. Identifying imbalances and energetic blockages in the chakras helps us mindfully direct healing toward that area of our life and of our physical self.

Concept of holistic recovery and mental healthy lifestyle

It is essential to understand that achieving a state of perfectly balanced chakras at all times is a rare occurrence. The health of our chakras is influenced by numerous factors, some of which are beyond our control. Difficult experiences can significantly impact the development and balance of our chakras. These experiences need not always be explicit such as physical abuse or bereavement; they can be subtle, like a toxic relationship, a draining job, or even a bout of depression. All these things can disrupt the natural flow of energy through our chakras, leading to imbalances and blockages.


Chakras are complex energy centers, and their development is a gradual process that starts in infancy and continues through young adulthood. The formation of each chakra is influenced by a myriad of experiences, including interactions with caregivers, family, and the environment. The quality of the experiences we have during these formative years has a profound impact on the development and balance of our chakras. This also means that the responsibility of nurturing and guiding our chakras’ development falls largely on our caregivers and the environment we grow up in.

Life Experiences

Our life experiences can significantly influence the health and balance of our chakras. Positive experiences such as love and joy can help open and balance our chakras, allowing energy to flow freely through them. Negative experiences like trauma, stress, and emotional pain, can create blockages and imbalances, making it difficult for energy to flow through our chakras. These blockages can manifest as physical, emotional, or spiritual issues, impacting our overall well-being. Cultivating positive experiences such as self-care, meditation, and healthy relationships can help restore balance and promote the healthy flow of energy through our chakras.

The Seven Main Chakras

Chakra One – Root chakra (muladhara)

Location: base of the spine

Color: red

Represents: survival, grounding, safety

Chakra Two – Sacral chakra (svadhishthana)

Location: just below the navel

Color: orange

Represents: sensuality, creativity, passion

Chakra Three – Solar plexus chakra (manipura)

Location: navel

Color: yellow

Represents: personal power, confidence

Chakra Four – Heart chakra (anahata)

Location: heart

Color: green

Represents: unconditional love, compassion

Chakra Five – Throat chakra (vishuddha)

Location: throat

Color: blue

Represents: self-expression

Chakra Six – Third eye chakra (ajna)

Location: between the eyebrows

Color: indigo

Represents: intuition, wisdom

Chakra Seven – Crown chakra (sahasrara)

Location: top of head

Color: indigo/purple

Represents: divinity, connection to spirit

If you’d like to learn more consider joining SOTE Sanctuary’s Chakra & Crystal Healing class. It incorporates a brief intro to the chakra system, as well as a series of techniques to help balance your 7 main chakras including crystals, meditation, pranayama (breathing techniques), and yoga. The class includes a guided meditation using chakra visualization, as well as a series of beginner-level, seated yoga poses specific to each chakra. The class ends with a longer savasana meditation, during which time willing participants will receive a Reiki and oil blessing.

SOTE Sanctuary is located in Jordan, MN and all supplies needed are provided by the Sanctuary.